Dispose of Food Waste Right

Food waste is estimated at 30-40 percent of the food supply in the United States. This is based on USDA estimates of 31 percent food loss at the retail and consumer levels. Food waste is food fit for consumption but ends up discarded, not eaten or unable to be used.


Food Donation

Is the food still in usable condition? See local donation options for food.


Food Waste Education and Resources

The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) provides information and resources about food waste reduction at Save More Than Food.


Hamilton County has information about food waste reduction at Food Waste Stops With Us.


Food Waste Collection Service

Residential food waste can be composted through services offered by Rust Belt Riders. The company has drop-off locations and a subscription service for weekly curbside pick-up, including in some communities. Compost services are available for a small fee. Find a location or see more detailsabout the service. City service departments may have a list of sites in your area.


Businesses with food waste, perishables, and other organics can compost in a commercial food waste facility, including local digesters and waste-to-energy solutions. See the Business list below.


Home Composting of Food Waste

You can learn more about composting food waste at home.


After Halloween, the Solid Waste District offers a pumpkin composting collection program for unwanted pumpkins and gourds. This seasonal program started in 2023 with a pilot collection in three locations. See details.



Looking to recycle, donate or dispose of other items? Use the dark blue 'What Do I Do With?' search bar at the top of every page of this website. Allow location services or use the city drop-down to find opportunities in your local area.